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Welfare and the market: a social, economic, and legal analysis
International Conference of the Online University Giustino Fortunato and the Catholic University of “Santísima Concepción” of Chile
Benevento, 18-19 October 2019
The Online University Giustino Fortunato and the Catholic University of “Santísima Concepción” want to stimulate a debate on the complex issue dealing with the measures taken to protect the risks of the industrial society and those taken to face the wide range of new needs that characterize the multi-ethnic and post-industrial society.
In this context, the call on the subject “Welfare and the market: a social, economic, and legal analysis” is born.
The topics to be addressed include:
– financial sustainability and adequacy of social protection systems
– the rights of those who are “invisible”
– globalization and transformations of the labor market and rights
– social citizenship in an intercultural society
– new trends in the policies of social inclusion
– combating inequalities and poverty
– family policies and life choices within growing uncertainties
– social policies in a long-term perspective
– the relationship between public welfare and private welfare: actors, strategies and trends
– solidarity, democracy, competition
– impact of technological changes on social security systems
– welfare and well-being
– national social protection systems in the European Union
– relationship between welfare system and tax system
– interventions on pension schemes
– corporate social responsibility
– welfare and security.
In any case, the conference call is open to further issues related to welfare.
Those who intend to present a paper in one of the conference sessions will have to send, via e-mail, an abstract, in English language, of max 1000 words, containing a brief summary of the theme that will be discussed in the paper, as well as information on the status and research interests of the author.
It is also possible to participate in the conference call by sending the abstract only of max 1000 words, in English, excluding references.
The deadline for abstract submission, to be sent via email to <call2019@unifortunato.eu> is 30 July 2019.
The Scientific Committee assesses the proposals received and communicates results by 5 September 2019.
If the abstract is accepted, the author is allowed to send his/her paper to the conference.
The deadline for submission of the abstract, to be sent by email to <call2019@unifortunato.eu> is 30 July 2019. The Scientific Committee will proceed to the selection of the proposals received and will communicate the results by 5 September 2019.
The acceptance of the abstract allows the author to send also his paper to the conference. The abstract or the paper can be presented and discussed during the conference by the author or, alternatively, they can be only included in the relevant collective publication without discussion. Abstract or Paper presentation and discussion may also be streamed during the conference.
Papers – not exceeding 7000 words, including the bibliography, and written in English must be sent by 28 September 2019 to: <call2019@unifortunato.eu>.
The international conference will take place on 18 and 19 October in Benevento at the headquarters of the Giustino Fortunato University.
Abstracts or Paper presentation and discussion can be in Italian, in English or in Spanish.
Publication of conference papers
The papers, written in English will be published in Conference Proceedings, copyrighted with ISBN, with an international publisher, edited by the Giustino Fortunato University, with anonymous peer review.Those who send only the abstract will have the opportunity to publish them in an abstract book copyrighted with ISBN, edited by the Giustino Fortunato University with anonymous peer review, with an international publisher.
Other information
Travel and accommodation costs must be covered by the participants. Under exceptional cases, the Scientific Committee may propose the coverage of travel and accommodation costs.
The Scientific Committee is composed of the following professors:
Prof. Angelo Scala, Università Giustino Fortunato (supervision)
Prof. Steve Reuben Baeza Abadie, Università Cattolica de la Santisima Concepcion (supervision)
Prof. Pierluigi Belvisi, Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma
Prof. Giuseppe Ciccarone, Università La Sapienza di Roma
Prof. Ubaldo Comite, Università Giustino Fortunato
Prof.ssa Ida D’Ambrosio, Università Giustino Fortunato
Prof. Antonio Fuccillo, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Prof. Paolo Garonna, Università LUISS
Prof. ssa Paola Helzel, Università della Calabria
Prof. Emiliano Marchisio, Università Giustino Fortunato
Prof. Paolo Palumbo, Università Giustino Fortunato
Prof.ssa Miriam Petracca, Università Giustino Fortunato
Prof.ssa Maria Pompò, Università Giustino Fortunato
Prof. Gian Cesare Romagnoli, Università Roma Tre
Prof. Giovanni Tarantino, Università del Salento
The organizing committee is composed of the following professors:
Ida D’Ambrosio, Università Giustino Fortunato
Paolo Palumbo, Università Giustino Fortunato
Maria Pompò, Università Giustino Fortunato
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For further information, please contact call2019@unifortunato.eu
Deadline calendar:
- deadline for abstract submission: 30 July 2019
- deadline for the communication of abstract acceptance: 5 September 2019
- deadline for sending the papers: 28 September 2019
- date of the conference in Benevento 18-19 October 2019