
The vision, the "will to be" of the organization, i.e., how the University intends to face the future, sees Unifortunato as founded from the very beginning on the enhancement of people, freedom of thought and research, as well as responsibility in social relations. The University, in its three areas of action (education, research and third mission), is constantly oriented toward quality and improvement.


With modern technologies and methodologies, the University can ensure the Right to Study for all those who are interested in investing in education but who, for several reasons, cannot participate in frontal teaching activities.

The University shall adopt the appropriate procedures to enable students with disabilities to participate in cultural, educational, and research activities and to use the University services. This is possible with specific technologies, following the recommendations of the current legislation on Accessibility, with specific reference to the Law of January 9, 2004, No. 4.

Unifortunato promotes and encourages research in all its forms, preferring its international dimension and providing its contribution to individual researchers as well as projects involving collaboration among multiple scholars, Universities and Research Institutions, as well as the world of work.

Lastly, Unifortunato develops Third Mission activities through the diffusion of its research and the organization of social events for educational purposes.

The teaching model

UniFortunato’s online learning platform is designed and developed to constantly provide and ensure students’ direct access to knowledge.

Ease of use: signing up and “using” the University is easy and available to everyone.

Security: the website environment is fully secure and protected

Online classes: you can choose when and where to take classes.    

Customization: you can attend courses in the ways and formats you prefer.


What does it mean to study at UniFortunato?

Unifortunato, on the one hand, offers you the possibility of personalizing the study schedule, through an open and flexible system. Teachers’ lessons, always available on the platform, provide you with the most useful technological support to restore the social dimension of the educational relationship.

The UniFortunato educational model, therefore, can effectively replace the propaedeutic function of in-person teaching. This is done to provide you with all the necessary resources in every moment and to include you in a virtual community of study in full interaction with other students, tutors, and teachers.

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