Abstract call internazionale

A. De Carlo – Virtual reality in organizational psychology applications in a COVID hospital and a private company

A. Foderaro – The person and new technologies ethic education and law

A. Guasco – Risorse digitali per la elaborazione di una tesi di laurea in discipline giusromanistiche

A. Maceratini – New technologies and privacy

A. Merchan – Blockchain and artificial intelligence. Reflections seen from private international law

A. Parma – Un Key word in contest per arricchire il nuovo Corpus

C. Aura, F. Aura, F. Rubino – Covid 19, effects of digitization

C. Garilli – Blockchain and Smart Contracts

D. Ciarmoli – Assistive technology to promote adaptive skills and academic performance

D. Gabusi – The illusion of digital communication

E. Leandri – The role of museums in the development of sustainable tourism in Calabria


E. Martini e R. De Luca Picione – Triple Helix Model a Device for Social Construction of Knowledge and Innovation

E. Pederzini – FinTech, Blockchain and the issue of Traceability in Financial Transactions

E. Zambianchi e S.Scarpa – Universal Design for Learning to support Integrated Digital Didactics

F. Balsamo – Freedom of worship and protection of privacy in times of pandemics

F. Corona e A. Del Pizzo – Artificial Intelligence ethical and legal reflections copia

F. Corona e A. Del Pizzo – Artificial Intelligence ethical and legal reflections

F. De Andreis – All Chain of events leading to flight crew training

F. De Falco – Luogo di lavoro, nuove tecnologie e smart working

F. García Chamizo – Analysis of the Application of Virtual Reality (VR) 

F. Gravino e R. Santoro – Ecclesiastical laws and digital publication

F. Marasà – Open banking and privacy

F. Ponte – Riflessioni sul lavoro agile, tra fisiologia ed emergenza

F. Aiello – Networks and family firm performance. Some evidence from Italy

F. Stasolla, S. Bottiroli – Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Cognitive and Motor Functions in Post-Coma Patients through Technological Setups A Literature Overview

G. Chiola – The digital Resurgence of prisons

G. Consiglio – Smart Villages the use of technology for a new concept of rurality

G. Laurini – Innovation and tradition in the safeguard of credit

G. Passarelli – Illegal Monopoly or Not. As Google’s Ads Dominance is Causing Harm to Users and Competitors

G. Rando – Traceability through Blockchain in the agri-food chain

G. Tagliaferro – The escape into the virtual and the construction of the self

G. Tarantino – The necessary ethical limits to progress

I. D’Ambrosio – Form traditio pecuniae to bitcoin: new payment instruments capable of extinguishing a pecuniary obligation?

K. La Regina – DNA, fingerprints, voice a comparison between identification paths

L. Agrati e S. Karkina – Beyond distances mediatization of musical and theatrical performing practice on Moodle platform

L. Decimo – The phygital churches

L. Di Majo – A Smart Parliament

L. Luciani – Technological variants and invariants, a basic training module for media education

L. Tubaro – Assemblea di S.p.a. tra Covid-19 e Blockchain

M. Cossu – Post-Millennials and Financial Markets

M. Mebane – Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning and Psychology and option for the future

M. Ferrari – Educational Patterns and Issues for a High-Tech Citizenship

M. L. Montagnani, M. L. Passador – Artificial Intelligence for Companies

M. Nicotra – Artificial Intelligence for Administrative decision making

M. Petracca – Innovation in the ‘situationist’ perspective

M. Pompò – Concrete benefits of technological innovation for small and medium-sized enterprises

M. Travaglione – The role of tax legislation in the development of new technologies

M. V. Zammitti – New frontiers in payment services

N. Coggiola – Old Rules for New Tools Traditional Liability Rules and Technological Development

N. Oliva – The digitalization of the enterprises a valid strategy to sustain productivity and competitiveness

O. Calzone – Self Organising Maps

O. Sulovar – Pandemic Situation Year 2020

P. Palumbo – DIGITAL RELIGION Interreligious questions from experience

R. Trezza – Can “legal values” ever turn into “algorithmic variables”

S. Bernini – Combination of a computerized cognitive training (CoRe System) with transcranial direct current continuous stimulation

S. Bottiroli – Smart Aging platform for evaluating cognitive functions in the early phases of cognitive decline

S. Cerrato – Smart Contract Towards a New Contract Law

S. De Marco – Artificial intelligence and civil liability


U. Comite – Managerial aspects concerning the role of Information and Communication Technology …

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