Condividiamo con piacere l’abstract di un articolo scientifico redatto dal Prof. Fabrizio Stasolla – Professore Associato presso l’Università Giustino Fortunato.
Il Morbo di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle più comuni forme di demenza senile caratterizzata da un inesorabile declino cognitivo con conseguenze devastanti sul versante emotivo, comunicativo e sociale. Per molti anni, l’approccio neuropsicologico ha rappresentato una pietra miliare della valutazione e della diagnosi utile a favorire un percorso riabilitativo mirato. Lo sviluppo tecnologico ha recentemente evidenziato il supporto delle nuove tecnologie quali valido supporto complementare e/o integrativo/alternativo. Il presente contributo presenta, in chiave prospettica, un confronto sistematico tra il tradizionale approccio neuropsicologico e l’utilizzo della realtà virtuale combinata allo storytelling digitale per finalità valutative e riabilitative del Morbo di Alzheimer. Viene proposta una innovativa combinazione delle due strategie avente come obiettivo le dimensioni cognitiva ed emotiva della patologia. Viene inoltre valutato l’impatto positivo sulla riduzione degli oneri a carico delle famiglie e degli operatori. In ultima analisi, si propone di valutare opportunamente tale combinazione tecnologica in protocolli valutativi e riabilitativi futuri per il recupero del paziente affetto da Morbo di Alzheimer.
Assessing and recovering Alzheimer’s disease: a comparative analysis of standard neuropsychological approaches and virtual reality interventions with the use of digital storytelling
Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common form of dementia, is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that predominantly affects the elderly population. Traditional assessment methods, including neuropsychological tests like the MMSE, have been the cornerstone of AD diagnosis for decades. These methods are grounded in a wealth of research and clinical experience, providing a robust framework for understanding the cognitive deficits of AD. The evolution of AD assessment and rehabilitation has recently been tackled with the introduction of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies.
Objectives: To evaluate the use of storytelling and reminiscence therapy in virtual reality programs as a complementary and enhancing modality alongside standard assessment and rehabilitation for Alzheimer’s patients. To explore how regular interaction with VR narratives can slow cognitive decline or improve relevant features of cognitive functioning over the time. To propose a new assessment and rehabilitative tool based on the use of VR and digital storytelling.
Method: A comparative analysis of Standard Neuropsychological Approaches and Virtual Reality Interventions in patients with Alzheimer disorder was carried out. A literature overview on the empirical studies between 2019 and 2024 was conducted.
Results: We propose a new VR-based setup mediated by the use of storytelling for the assessment and recovery of AD.
Conclusion: The employment of storytelling within VR programs for the assessment and rehabilitation of Alzheimer’s disease can positively impact both the cognitive and emotional realms of patients, with beneficial outcomes on caregivers’ and families’ burden. The successful implementation of this approach requires careful consideration of accessibility, data interpretation, and standard validation protocols.